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In 2011 a subcommittee of the WHO (World Health Organization) held a meeting in Geneva to discuss multiple chemical sensitivity and electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) and placed these two illnesses on the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Electro- hypersensitivity, refers to an adverse physiological reaction experienced when exposed to electromagnetic fields and/or radiation.

Symptoms include:

· Chronic Pain · Chronic fatigue · Headaches · Nausea · Disruptive sleep patterns · Depression · Dizziness · Skin complaints · Cognitive dysfunction · Behavioral patterns in children

Two major forms of electrosmog are the 50/60 Hz power line distribution systems along with large home appliances that use it; and secondly, harmful radio/microwave frequencies dominating our modern world of technology - cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, baby monitors and more.

The most common sources of electrosmog for both these categories include:

Harmful ELF Frequencies (ELF = Extremely Low Frequencies centered around 50/60 Hz)

·       Power Lines – 50/60 Hz (especially living under or near high voltage power lines)

·       Electric Blankets

·       Hair Dryers

·       Water Beds

·       Refrigerators and other household electrical appliances

·       Electric Clocks

·       Televisions (especially plasma screen - LED is better)

·       Compact Fluorescent Lights

·       Other Household Electrical Appliances

·       Microwave Ovens

·       Mobile Cell Phones

·       Cell Phone Towers

·       Cordless phones

·       Mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters

·       Electric Smart Meters

·       Wireless networks

·       Bluetooth Devices

·       Computers (Bluetooth and wireless components)

.       Cordless baby alarms

The conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) were heavily based on two landmark studies showing the negative impact of cell phone microwave frequencies on human health. The first is the Interphone study published in 2011, that took 10 years and $25 million dollars and including 50 researchers from 13 countries. This study looked at two types of brain tumors resulting from cell phone usage, Glioma (tumor of the brain tissue) and Meningioma (tumor of the lining of the brain). Without getting into the details of the study the findings were very conclusive. People that were using cell phones for 10 or more years had a 180% increase in Gliomas (tumor of the brain tissue).

The second significant study was a $4.5 million dollar study done by the Air Force way back in 1984, published in 1992 and finally republished online in 2005. The study showed the effects of a 2.4 GHz microwave radiation over 24 months with rats. The results showed a 16% increase in benign tumors, a 100% increase in metastatic tumors and a 260% increase in primary tumors.

Steps to Clear your Home of Harmful Electrosmog

Information compiled by physicist Bryant A. Meyers learn more by reading his book:

PEMF–The Fifth Element of Health